103 por Carine Würch - SEMANA 33
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2-07-08 Aruna's "Dancer's Body" DVD Reviewed by Rebecca Firestone
One of Aruna's claims to fame is being 50 and being tougher than chicks half her age. And it's true, at least with regard to the strength training - which was her profession for many years. Considering that most belly dancers want to be as youthful as possible, it's a nice change to have someone so athletic who's still improving with time.
Read the full article here www.gildedserpent.com/art42/rebfirearunadvd.htm Author's bio- www.gildedserpent.com/aboutuspages/RebeccaFirestone.htm
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"A Star Remembered: The Maturation of a Career in Performing"O if you want to include a teaser paragraph in your link, you can format the link like this example:
by Najia El-Mouzayen
Read on Gilded Serpent at www.gildedserpent.com
2-07-08 Aruna's "Dancer's Body" DVD Reviewed by Rebecca Firestone
One of Aruna's claims to fame is being 50 and being tougher than chicks half her age. And it's true, at least with regard to the strength training - which was her profession for many years. Considering that most belly dancers want to be as youthful as possible, it's a nice change to have someone so athletic who's still improving with time.
Read the full article here www.gildedserpent.com/art42/rebfirearunadvd.htm Author's bio- www.gildedserpent.com/aboutuspages/RebeccaFirestone.htm
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